Nya uppdateringar och funktioner – sommaren 2020

Vi strävar efter att förbättra vår molnbaserade hyraverksamhetsprogramvara genom att aktivt lyssna på våra användare och implementera de funktioner som de behöver. Vi har arbetat outtröttligt för att ge dig nya funktioner och funktionalitet baserat på användarnas feedback och behov, som många av våra användare har testat under de senaste månaderna. Vi ser fram emot att fortsätta vår resa tillsammans för att göra den bästa programvaran ännu bättre!


    • Ställ in flera kontopaket som är länkade till olika depåer eller virtuella depåer – Eftersom många hyraföretag driver mer än ett företag i samma depå, eller olika företag på olika depåer, och ibland använder olika redovisningsprogramvara för olika företag eller dela några men inte andra etc., HireHop har utvecklat en enkel ny och unik funktion för att hantera detta komplexa problem. HireHop har förmågan att tilldela olika företagskonton för bokföringsprogramvara, från Sage 50, Sage Business Cloud, QuickBooks och Xero (med mer framöver), till olika depåer eller virtuella depåer.
    • Nya och förbättrade integrationer med Xero och Quickbooks, inklusive live-synkroniseringsfunktioner – detta innebär att så snart en faktura, PO eller kreditnota godkänns i HireHop det kommer att visas i ditt kontopaket, och betalningar kommer tillbaka till HireHop sömlöst. Se installationssidor för Xero här och Quickbooks här.
    • Nya kontonintegrationer till Sage 50 och Sage Business Cloud .
    • Batch- / bulkfakturering som kan vidarebefordras eller backdateras . Tillgänglig från fakturering för hemadministration-batch, välj bara de jobb du vill fakturera och ställ in fakturastatusen (utkast, väntar på godkännande eller godkänd) och det datum du vill fakturera upp till. När du har utfärdats kan du till och med skicka fakturorna till alla relevanta klienter med ett klick på en knapp.
    • Tidig återkomst – ett nytt alternativ har lagts till i Jobb för att ”Tillåt tidig återkomst”. Om det här alternativet är valt, debiteras ett objekt upp till det datum då det checkas in. Till exempel om du har 2 objekt på ett jobb i 2 veckor men objekt 1 returnerades efter 1 vecka, med tillåt att tidiga returer aktiveras Objekt 1 debiteras för en vecka och artikel 2 för hela 2 veckor. Om tidig återkoppling är inaktiverad debiteras båda artiklarna under hela 2 veckorna.
    • Delfakturering upp till ett datum vid normala och öppna anställningar. När du skapar en faktura, välj bara det datum du vill att fakturan ska debitera upp till. Datumet kan vara det aktuella datumet eller i det förgångna eller framtiden.
    • Fakturor, kreditnoter och inköpsorder kan ha prefix och dessa prefix kan variera för varje bokföringspaket.
    • USA: s momsstöd HireHop nu har förmågan att bättre utnyttja USA: s försäljningsskatt genom att ställa in varje depå (eller virtuellt depå) till en standardränta, med möjligheten att ändra den kursen eller manuellt ange det skattebelopp som tas ut.
    • Ledningskorrigeringsbetalningar vid synkronisering.


    • Leverera objekt kan nu ändra laddningsstruktur – så om en artikel listas som dagligen kan du i leveranslistan ändra detta till en veckopris för endast den artikeln i leveranslistan.
    • Låsa jobb – jobb kan nu låsas på två sätt för att förhindra vissa jobbändringar. Inga ändringar kan göras, inte ens i administratörsläge, såvida inte jobbet är låst upp.
      • Manager lås – Chefen för jobbet eller en administratör kan låsa upp jobbet.
      • Admin Lock – Endast administratören kan låsa upp jobbet.
    • Dokument tillgängliga i alla språk som stöds – Om du har kunder som talar ett av HireHop’s språk som stöds, du kan helt enkelt lägga till dokument på det språket för att skicka till dem på deras modersmål. Vi finjusterade också och gjorde en allmän rensning av alla malldokument, inställning av sidhuvud osv.
    • Nya språk tillgängliga HireHop är nu finns på engelska, spanska, franska, japanska, portugisiska, norska, svenska och slovakiska.
    • Extra depåbegränsande behörigheter – Användare kan ställa in behörigheter för att bara se jobb, projekt, lager, förbrukningsartiklar, paket, tjänster och kontakter tilldelade endast deras eget depå. Det finns också behörigheter att hindra användare att ändra sitt depå och depåerna för jobb, lager etc.
    • Dokument för fångst av kundunderskrift – Det nya dokumentet ”Signaturkvitto” gör det möjligt för användare att öppna dokumentet på vilken enhet som helst som ska signeras av mottagaren. När du trycker på spara när du har signerat sparar du en kopia av dokumentet och signaturen till filfliken i jobbet, fångar den exakta tiden det undertecknades och HireHop användare som tog signaturen. Om du inte ser detta i din lista över dokument som kan skrivas ut från ett jobb kan det läggas till från Home-Settings-Documents-New.
    • Användare kan lägga till ett foto och telefon numere ör sig själva i Inställningar – Dokument kan också inkludera dessa extra fält.
    • Rapportera uppdateringar och korrigeringar, inklusive en omarbetad faktura som ska exporteras.
    • Integration med VehoCheck.
    • Anpassade fält tillgängliga på fakturor, kreditnoter och inköpsorder.
    • Hastighetsförbättringar och andra bugfixar.

Feed Stock Data to Your Website

Synchronise with the cloud

HireHop allows you to seamlessly feed stock data to your website; enabling you to list hire and rental stock on your website, with images and other data, that is synchronised with the HireHop equipment rental software’s database.

You can filter the lists (or not) by category or name, as well as sort them by name, price, weight or stock quantity held. You can also choose what format you want the export in, albeit JSON, CSV or XML

This feature can also be used to export your hire stock data easily, enabling you to export filtered parts of your data or all of it at once, the choice is yours.

How to Get a List

Before you export a list, you must first create an export key. This key is like a password that must be passed to get the list.  If you change the export key, any requests made not using the new export key, will be denied.

To get the export, you need a link, this you can get from the Hire Stock Management page.  By clicking on Menu and then Get data link, a box will appear with a link to get a list for the current filtered view.  To get the export link, you must be authorised to get it in the user permissions.

If you apply any filtering in the Hire Stock Management page, this filter will be the data the generated link will produce.  So for example, if you select a category and then get a data link, the data produced by the link will be all the stock in that category, just as it is listed on the page.

The data returned by HireHop includes the name, an image link, quantity, category, weight, dimensions, prices, part number, etc.



The generated link will look something like above, and as you can see, it has various parameters that are explained below:

Parameter Meaning
id This is a unique ID for your company.
key The generated export key.
depot An identifier for a depot (zero means all depots), to get the quantity.
cat The identifier for a category
cat_name The name of a category
name The name search
del If set to one, deleted items will be listed
unq A unique ID of an item. If set, only one item will be returned.
sidx The column to sort by
sord The sort order; asc = ascending & desc = descending
format The format the data will be returned in, being XML, CSV or JSON (default)

To load the data into your web page, you can Ajax it using JSONP, for example, with JQuery:

    url: "https://s.myhirehop.com/modules/stock/stock_export.php?id=10&key=abc1234def",
    dataType: "jsonp",
    success: function( data ) {
        console.log( data );

Please note, the service, pat test and test intervals are in ISO 8601 period formats and all dimensions and weights are metric.

New Features – A Review of the Latest Updates, February 2018

We strive to improve our cloud based hire business software by actively listening to our users and implementing the features that they need.
We have worked tirelessly to bring you new features and functionality based on users feedback and needs, that many of our users have been beta testing over the past few months.
We look forward to continuing our journey together to make the best software even better!

Free Limited Account

We are happy to announce the release of the HireHop Free account! This account, aimed at micro users who are just starting out, and is free for an unlimited time, but with limited capabilities, such as 15 jobs a year, no custom documents, etc.

Click here to view the full list of Free vs Subscription Features

Scan All In

Does stock ever pile up on the warehouse floor or get mixed together from several jobs before you have a chance to check it back in?  We have worked hard with our users to introduce the most powerful Scanning system for any software in the industry to help make your life easier.

Go to the Home page-Preset Searches-Scan all in to bring up the screen as seen in the below image. From here, simply scan in any item and HireHop will intelligently check it in to it’s relevant job!

What’s more, the scan all in function works seamlessly with our much-loved live multi-user sync, enabling real-time collaboration in the warehouse.

Tip: Remember, any of the preset searches can be allocated to the 6 home page tile slots.

HireHop real time scanning


Don’t like any words or phrases on HireHop? You now have the power to change every word and phrase through our innovate Language editor! This is the latest of our many enhancements allowing further customisation of HireHop.

Administrators simply click on Settings from the Home page and select the Language tab. Once greeted with the below screen, select the word or phrase you want to change and overwrite it by typing in the text box, ensuring to press ”Save” once complete. These Language changes will then update for every user in your company.

Tip: Use the search bar to search for the words/phrases that you want to change.

Equipment rental software custom language

Now available in French and Portuguese

HireHop has now been translated to French and Portuguese, with many more Languages on the way! With languages, each user has the ability to select their own language in the Settings, meaning within the same company, users can see HireHop in the language of their choice.

Column Customisation

We have heard you! The ability to customise the columns throughout HireHop has been expanded to pages including Hire Stock Management, the Picker and Preset Searches.

Click on the Settings Cog to select/deselect the columns you want to see and drag & drop the columns into your preferred order!

Google & Microsoft Login

If you use Google or Microsoft to host your emails, you can now login into HireHop with your email credentials. Simply enter your company ID in Step 1, and instead of entering your HireHop Email and Password, click ’Sign in with Google’ or ’Sign in with Microsoft’.

Rental business software login with Google or Microsoft

Alternative Name

All stock, sales and labour items can now have an alternative name.  This can be used for languages or the specific naming of items for internal company use only. The alternative name field in the documents, if blank, defaults to the name field.

For languages you can have the item name in English and the alternative name in French, enabling you to print and send quotes in either English or French, depending on your customer.

For internal use, an item may be named ”XF9 Heavy lift 4m tripod stand”, however internally (the alternative name) it’s known as ”The big stand”, enabling you to send quotes with the correct name, and print job sheets with the internal name (alternative name).  This would be particularly useful for the Film and TV industry who use the 70kg ”Manfrotto Avenger Strato-Safe Crank-Up stands” (we know what you call them).

Minor Enhancements and Features

We can’t list every update we do (you’ll get bored reading through the long list), as we regularly release new minor enhancements and features to help make your life easier, like more document fields, system speed increases, more data fields, the list goes on.

Rental Equipment Software – Customised for your Company

Customise hire rental software

HireHop is complete, feature rich Rental Equipment Software in the cloud for hire and rental companies, with advanced functionality, intuitive workflow and a plethora of features, some of which are not found in any other rental equipment software. However sometimes users want specific features tailored to their unique needs.

Powerful Rental Equipment Software

HireHop is the only cloud rental equipment software that can cater for these unique needs, giving your company a solution customised for your specific requirements, all being on a future-proof true cloud platform, available on any device, anywhere in the world.

We can implement unique features for you, from renaming words and phrases, to changing forms and pages, as well as adding new bespoke features you may need to run your company the way you want it to be.

We can implement custom features such as additional checks on equipment, or even a workflow tailored to your company’s specific needs. Due to our unique technology, written and developed by HireHop, any part of the HireHop software can be changed to be how you want it to be.

Call us today so that we can give you a free personal demonstration of what HireHop can do for you and your company. We can also quote you for anything you want customised so that can HireHop be tailored to work exactly how you want it to be.


Virtual Stock Items – New Feature for HireHop

HireHop has just released another new feature in their rental management software, being virtual stock items. A virtual item is something that is not a tangible item, for example a ”drill kit” that comprises of a drill, two chucks and a transformer.

The advantage of virtual items is that you can see the availability dependent on what it comprises of. For example, the ”drill kit” requires 2 x chucks, 1 x drill and 1 x transformer. If you have 3 x drills, 9 x chucks and 20 x transformers available, the availability of the ”drill kit” would be 3, being limited by the  3 available drills.  However, if you had 10 x drills available, the availability of the ”drill kit” would now be 4, limited by the 9 available chucks, as 2 x chucks are needed for a complete kit, and you can only make up 4 complete ”drill kits” from what is available.

Virtual items are identical to stock items, except they can’t have assets.  To create a virtual stock item, go to the Rental Stock Management page, click the new button, and select ”New virtual item”.

New virtual stock item

To set what a virtual item consist of, you just add ”Autopulls”, just as you would to a normal stock item. We have just added an additional type to Autopulls, being a ”Conditional prompt”, meaning the available types of Autopull are now:-

  • Prompt (unselected) – The item will appear in the list when new, but not be automatically ticked.
  • Prompt (selected) – The item will appear in the list when new, and will be ticked.
  • Compulsory (no prompt) – The Autopull will be inserted and cannot be removed or edited.
  • Conditional prompt – The item will be inserted when a new item is added, however it can be subsequently edited, it is like an editable Compulsory.
  • Detached reminder – This is NOT a linked Autopull, adding this item will append it to your list after the main item.

We currently have many more exciting and amazing features currently undergoing beta testing that will soon be available to all users, so remember to subscribe to our Facebook page or Twitter feed to be notified about all future improvements and additions.

Embedded Stock Categories – New Sub Categories Feature for HireHop

By popular demand HireHop have released another new feature for their rental management software, being embedded stock categories, giving users the ability to organise categories into sub categories, just like folders on your computer.

Tree sub-categories

Users can now sort their categories into sub-categories, and even have sub-categories of sub-categories, with the ability to go as deep as you need.

Moving the categories is easy, just double click on one to edit it and select the new category from the drop down, or simply drag and drop the category to the position you want it.

In the main Rental Stock, Labour or Consumables (Sales stock) front tab, by selecting a category, all stock inside that category and its descendants will now be listed, with the ability to expand or refine the list by using the breadcrumbs for each item;

Sub category breadcrumbs

We currently have many more exciting and amazing features currently undergoing beta testing that will soon be available to all users, so remember to subscribe to our Facebook page or Twitter feed to be notified about all future improvements and additions.

HireHop Subs in and Out – New Feature for Our Rental Management Software

HireHop has just released their new subs feature, helping users to further manage subcontracted items and avoid potential mistakes.

An example would be if you have a supplier who is supplying you with some sub-hire/cross-hire items. You need to receive these at your warehouse and arrange collection from the supplier, however your truck is returning them direct from site to the supplier, bypassing your warehouse.

When the purchase order is created (or edited) you can specify that the items need to be collected by you and checked into the warehouse as well as specifying that you need to return them.


From your home screen you can either click the the ”Subs in/out” button under ”Preset searches” or a tile if you have assigned this function to one.  HireHop will then show a list of all Suppliers (Subs) with at least a confirmed status that need attention over the next 7 days.



The user can then select which Sub to check in or out using the familiar HireHop checking process, allowing one or more users to synchronise the process over one or more terminals.

We currently have many more exciting and amazing features currently undergoing beta testing that will soon be available to all users, so remember to subscribe to our Facebook page or Twitter feed to be notified about all future improvements and additions.